Mobile Apps for Non-Profits: Transforming Fundraising and Engagement

Mobile Apps for Non-Profits: Transforming Fundraising and Engagement

05 Oct. 24


As an executive director of a non-profit, You need to find new ways to talk to our friends and supporters, collect money, and do our everyday jobs. In this digital age, apps for non-profits are like magic tools. They help us reach more people, get money faster, and make our work smoother.

Mobile Giving: Changing How Non-Profits Raise Funds

Mobile phones have changed how we do many things, including giving to charities. Now, people can donate to their favorite causes right from their mobile devices. In fact, more than a quarter of all online donations in 2022 were made using mobile phones.

More people are using their mobile phones to visit charity websites and see posts on social media. Over half of all website traffic for charities comes from mobile phones, and almost one-third of all online donations happen on mobile phones or tablets. This shows that it’s really important for charities to have websites that work well on mobile phones.


Why Mobile Giving is So Popular


Mobile giving is popular because it’s easy and fast. It’s especially helpful when something bad happens, like a big storm, because people can quickly donate to help using their mobile phones. Many people also set up donations that happen every month, which helps charities have a steady flow of money.

If you’re in charge of a Not for profit or Charity, it’s important to make sure your organization is online infrastructure is mobile ready & mobile friendly. It’s no longer just a new thing; it’s a regular way people choose to donate. Making your charity mobile-friendly will help you make it easy for people to support your cause, which is important for keeping them interested.


How Mobile First Strategy can help to raise more funds for Non-Profits?

To make the most of mobile giving, your organization should focus on these key strategies:

  1. Mobile-Optimized Websites and Apps: Mobile-friendly website is crucial today. Mobile Friendly Website should be easy to navigate, load quickly, and be designed for small screens. Sometime it is wise to consider creating a dedicated mobile app for your non-profit. Mobile app can offer more flexibility and control to add features like donation tracking, personalized updates, and event registration, which will keep users more connected to your organization.
  2. Text-to-Give Campaigns: Text-to-give campaigns are an effective way to engage donors. These campaigns have a 98% open rate and a 45% response rate. These campaigns let donors give directly through text messages, making them a fast, easy way to raise funds in urgent situations.
  3. Social Media Integration: Mobile engagement often happens through social media. Non-profits can embed donation buttons directly into social media posts, stories, and profiles. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are especially good platforms for promoting donations through mobile channels.
  4. Mobile Payment Options: Offering popular mobile payment options like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Venmo can boost your donation conversions by 10-20%. These payment methods make the donation process faster and easier, especially for younger donors who prefer using mobile wallets.
  5. Peer-to-Peer Fundraising: Peer-to-peer fundraising is becoming more mobile-friendly. Over 50% of participants now use their mobile devices to share fundraising campaigns and raise money through social media and messaging apps. Letting supporters use their mobile phones for peer-to-peer fundraising can greatly increase the reach of your campaigns.
  6. Mobile Volunteer Engagement: Using mobile apps to manage volunteers can make your operations more efficient. Mobile apps allow volunteers to sign up for shifts, receive reminders, and communicate with other volunteers easily. This makes the process more streamlined and encourages long-term participation.


Case Studies: How Non-Profits Succeed with Mobile Apps

mobile apps for non-profits


Here are three examples of non-profits that have successfully used mobile apps to increase engagement and donations:

  1. The American Red Cross: The American Red Cross developed a mobile app that lets users donate, find blood donation centers, and receive emergency alerts. During disasters, this app helps the organization raise funds quickly and provide real-time updates. Personalized content based on users’ locations has helped improve donor retention and satisfaction.
  2. The Salvation Army: The Salvation Army created a mobile app that allows people to donate, find volunteer opportunities, and access disaster relief information. The app has been especially helpful during their famous red kettle campaign, where mobile donations have attracted younger donors.
  3. World Wildlife Fund (WWF): The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) launched a mobile app that allows users to donate and learn about endangered species. The app includes interactive features, like virtual animal adoptions, which appeal to younger, tech-savvy users. The WWF has built a loyal group of recurring donors who give directly through the app.  ( Updated one The WWF made a special app to help animals. People can use the app to give money and learn about animals in danger. The app has fun things to do, like playing with animals. Many people like the app so much that they give money every month)


Using Mobile Apps for Advocacy and Community Engagement

Mobile apps for non-profits are not only useful for fundraising—they also help build communities and advocate for important causes. Non-profits can use apps to empower supporters by:

  • Contacting elected officials: Some apps have tools that let users send messages to their representatives on behalf of the non-profit’s cause.
  • Sharing content: Mobile apps can connect directly with social media, making it easy for users to share your campaigns and raise awareness.

For example, Planned Parenthood uses its mobile app to engage supporters in advocacy. The app provides tools to contact policymakers and access educational resources, helping mobilize users to take action when needed.


How to Measure the Success of Mobile Giving

digital fundraising tools.


To see how well your mobile giving efforts are working, track the following key metrics:

  • Donation Volume: The total amount of donations made through mobile devices.
  • Donor Acquisition: The number of new donors gained through mobile channels.
  • Donor Retention: The percentage of donors who keep supporting your organization after their first mobile donation.
  • Average Donation Amount: The average donation per mobile transaction.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of mobile visitors who complete a donation.

By measuring these metrics, your organization can fine-tune its mobile strategy and improve engagement with donors.


The Future of Mobile Giving for Non-Profits

Mobile technology is constantly evolving, and non-profits that embrace new mobile trends will be more successful in the long term. New technologies like AI-driven personalization, mobile wallet integration, and gamification are likely to further shape the future of mobile giving.


Leveraging Latest Mobile OS Features for Non-Profits

The rapid advancements in mobile technology on both Android and iOS platforms in 2024 offer numerous opportunities for non-profits to improve their apps, enhance user experiences, and increase donations. By integrating the latest features, non-profit organizations can create more engaging, secure, and personalized experiences for donors, volunteers, and supporters. Let’s explore how these new features can drive impact for your mobile app.


Key iOS Features for NFP Apps

Digital transformation in non-profit sector

  1. Dynamic Real-Time Engagement:
    • Dynamic Island provides a new way to display real-time updates at the top of the screen. Non-profits can utilize this to show live donation progress, event countdowns, or updates on emergency relief campaigns. This keeps users continuously engaged even while they perform other tasks on their phones.
    • Use interactive notifications that allow users to engage directly from their lock screen, such as approving a donation or joining a live virtual event.
  2. Apple Intelligence for Personalized Outreach:
    • With new Apple Intelligence features, you can automate personalized engagement based on donor behavior. For instance, if a donor has contributed multiple times, the app can send personalized thank you messages, campaign impact updates, or suggestions for recurring donations.
    • Siri and AI-driven recommendations can help non-profits by allowing voice-activated donations or reminders about ongoing fundraising efforts.
  3. Enhanced Accessibility:
    • With Eye Tracking and Vocal Shortcuts, non-profits can make their apps more inclusive by enabling users with disabilities to donate or engage using their eyes or voice. This ensures that the app is accessible to a broader audience.
  4. Interactive Campaigns with Live Text:
    • The Live Text feature allows users to interact with text in images or videos. For example, during a live stream event, you can display donation links or phone numbers in the video that users can tap directly to donate.
  5. Augmented Reality (AR) Integration:
    • Non-profits can use AR experiences to make donation appeals more engaging. Imagine a donor scanning a poster and seeing an AR overlay of the cause they’re supporting, such as virtual tours of a shelter or school being built. This immersive experience can foster a deeper emotional connection .


Android App Latest Features For NFP Apps

Innovative non-profit fundraising solutions

  1. Material You 4 Customization:
    • The new Material You 4 design language emphasizes dynamic theming, which can allow non-profits to offer a visually appealing and consistent experience that matches a user’s device theme. This feature can be leveraged to make your app feel more personalized and intuitive.
  2. Enhanced Camera and AR Tools:
    • Android’s advanced camera APIs and augmented reality tools can be used by non-profits to create interactive campaigns. For example, AR filters can show a live impact of a donor’s contribution—such as “seeing” how donations will help plant trees in a forest restoration project.
    • The new camera-integration features allow seamless content creation for campaigns, such as filming live fundraising events while maintaining high-quality streaming.
  3. Notification Channels and Prioritization:
    • Android’s Notification Channels allow non-profits to send customized, high-priority notifications. For instance, you can ensure that urgent donation requests (e.g., during a natural disaster relief effort) are prioritized on the user’s device, increasing the chances of immediate engagement.
  4. Foldable Phone Optimization:
    • With the increasing use of foldable phones, non-profits can optimize their apps to support dual-screen functionality. For example, users can watch a live stream of an event on one screen while completing a donation on the other. This dual-tasking experience could lead to higher engagement rates.
  5. Seamless Payment Experiences:
    • Tap-to-Pay functionality on Android devices makes donations easier, especially at live events. Users can tap their phone to donate instantly at fundraisers, simplifying in-person contributions.


Practical Applications of New Features

  1. Interactive Widgets:
    • Both iOS and Android now support home screen widgets that can display live donation updates, track campaign progress, or highlight upcoming events. Donors can access this information without needing to open the app, ensuring that your cause stays visible and top of mind.
  2. Game Mode for Fundraising Events:
    • For events like live-streamed e-sports charity fundraisers, both platforms now offer game optimization modes that enhance user performance and reduce distractions. This is great for non-profits hosting gaming-based fundraisers.
  3. Secure and Private Donation Platforms:
    • With the integration of biometric authentication and on-device AI processing, both iOS and Android now offer stronger privacy and security measures. Non-profits can assure donors that their personal and payment information is safe, which is critical for building trust and encouraging more contributions.


Some Best Practices for Non-Profit Mobile Apps

Mobile technology enhancing engagement

  1. Simplify the Donation Process:
    • Integrate one-tap payment options using Google Pay, Apple Pay, and other mobile wallets to make the donation process fast and frictionless. Mobile payment technologies like NFC tap-to-donate at live events or conferences can be game-changers for in-person fundraising.
  2. Data-Driven Personalization:
    • Use the insights gathered from mobile user behavior to send personalized donation appeals. Leveraging AI and machine learning models built into the latest OS updates can help you understand donor preferences and create targeted campaigns.
  3. Accessibility and Inclusivity:
    • Ensure that your app is optimized for users with disabilities by taking advantage of accessibility features like eye tracking, voice commands, and large text options.


Investing in mobile solutions—like donation platforms, volunteer management apps, or advocacy tools—will be critical for future growth. Connecting with donors and volunteers through mobile apps will allow your organization to engage more effectively and expand its reach.

In today’s digital world, mobile apps for non-profits are essential for increasing engagement, simplifying operations, and raising more funds. As the non-profit sector continues to change, organizations that adopt mobile technologies will stay ahead.

At Let’s Nurture, we specialize in mobile app development for non-profits, offering custom-built solutions to help you engage supporters and raise funds more effectively. Whether you want to increase donations, manage volunteers, or expand your outreach, we have the tools and experience to help you succeed in the mobile-first world.


Updated Version

Investing in mobile solutions like donation apps and volunteer management tools is important for growth. Mobile apps help non-profits connect better with donors and volunteers, increasing their reach.

In today’s digital world, non-profits need mobile apps to boost engagement and raise more money. Those that use mobile technology will stay competitive.

At Let’s Nurture, we create mobile apps for non-profits. Our custom solutions help you engage supporters and increase donations. Whether you want to manage volunteers or reach more people, we have the tools to help you succeed.


Contact Us to Get Started

If you’re ready to take your non-profit’s digital presence to the next level, contact Let’s Nurture. We can help you develop a mobile app that fits your organization’s needs and helps you achieve your goals in the mobile age.

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