
Moon Bloom Co: The next Canadian small business hitting the spotlight

02 Jun. 21

Next up on our small business spotlight is Moon Bloom Co, whose specialty is beautifully handmade, porcelain mushroom jewelry. This online shop is operated out of kjipuktuk, unceded Mi’kmaq territory (Halifax, Nova Scotia) by the lovely Katie Price. We got to chat with Price about how she takes advantage of the online tools available to pursue her creative passion.

Moon Bloom Co is committed to small-batch creations using only biodegradable clay and recycled pearls. Price designs each piece by hand and is always welcoming custom orders. Although only five months old, Moon Bloom has a fast-growing following largely due to Price’s consistent Instagram activity

Her website can be found here:https://www.moonbloomco.shop/If you are looking for a unique gift or to support a local artist, look no further.

“I really hope they feel all that I put into my branding and product. I created this as a way to not take artwork so seriously… I hope it brings a smile to peoples’ faces.” – Katie Price

“It’s not even just the business community but the overall Halifax community and how we rally behind small businesses to support them through this.” – Katie Price

Thursday, May 13th, 2021
Name: Katie Price
Name of Business & Location: Moon Bloom Co, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Q: When did you open Moon Bloom Co?

A: I opened it on December 14th, 2020.

Q: What inspired you to start Moon Bloom Co?

A: At the time, I was in the middle of working on my masters and working part-time so I was really looking for a creative outlet for myself. Moon Bloom Co kind of came from me finding a way to cope with everything that was going on in the world with Covid just using it as a way to relax, unwind, and distract myself.

Q: That’s awesome. Wow, and right in the middle of a pandemic that’s an ambitious time to start a business.

A: Absolutely, yes. Especially in the middle of school and working it was definitely a lot but also exactly what I needed.

Q: What online programs do you use for Moon Bloom Co?

A: Right now I am mostly using Instagram. That’s what I found to be the best way to grow my business. I will be launching my online store on May 25th and I am going to be using Wix for that https://www.moonbloomco.shop/  

Q: That’s wonderful!

A: Yeah, I’m super excited about it!

Q: What is your favorite Instagram feature?

A: I’ve really been enjoying making Reels lately. I’m still learning how to make them myself but I find it’s a really great way to grow your business even more. It’s amazing to see that some of mine have gotten a couple of thousand views which is more followers than I have! It’s really exciting to see my product and my artwork getting out there to even more people through videos.

Q: How did you decide on Wix as your website domain?

A: I went back and forth between a couple of options. I feel like the biggest competition was between Wix and Squarespace. I decided to go with Wix in the end because I found there to be a lot more options to customize your site and that’s really what I was looking for in a domain. I wanted to be able to do whatever I wanted with it and to not have any limitations on my creativity.

Q: How are you liking Wix thus far?

A: I find it to be pretty user-friendly especially where you can just drag any item or object on the site and place it anywhere you want. You can really just be as creative as you want with it.

Q: Do you plan on using an online newsletter once you get your website launched?

A: It is definitely something I am considering as another way to interact with my customers. I appreciate when other small businesses do that so it’s definitely something I would like to do in the future.

Q: What is your favorite feature offered by Wix?

A: Something I’ve been wanting to get into is selling prints of my artwork as well. Wix has a feature where you can upload a pdf of your artwork and they partner with companies that will print off high-quality art prints themselves and they will take care of the shipping for it. That was definitely another big deciding factor. It’s a very low-stress, low-commitment way to sell another product.

Q: Have you noticed a change in your business productivity or customer reviews since using Wix?

A: I know it’s going to make things a lot more organized once I get my website launched. When I am selling products on Instagram I have to keep very organized with shipping and pick-ups but with Wix, that will all be in the database. I’ll be able to download an excel sheet of all of my sales data so I know that will be more productive for me.

Q: How do you like to communicate with your customers online?

A: I love seeing when people tag me in posts of them wearing my jewelry. Reposting is such an amazing way for me to communicate and to see people enjoying the product as well. I would love to be at craft markets to really interact with my customers but this way is still great for me.

Q: Once you get your website launched, is there a message you want to send people visiting for the first time?

A: I really hope they feel all that I put into my branding and product. I created this as a way to not take artwork so seriously. I’m a trained portrait artist so I’ve been trained in very strict proportions so I really just wanted to have fun with bright colors and patterns. I hope it brings a smile to peoples’ faces.

Q: What has been your biggest takeaway from running a business in 2021?

A: I think just how amazing our small business community in Halifax is. During the pandemic, it’s been amazing to see how everyone supports each other.I remember a couple of months back there was a post on Halifax Noise about how a business was struggling and then that same night they had a line up down the street. It’s not even just the business community but the overall Halifax community and how we rally behind small businesses to support them through this.

Q: Out of all the pieces you’ve created, which is your favorite one?

A: I try not to hold on to too many because I can just make another pair but I don’t think I can Apart from these ones, the cow prints shrooms. They’ve been the most popular and I think really helped with my presence on Instagram and following that cow print trend that’s popular online right now.

Q: What piece of advice would you give someone thinking about starting an online business?

A: Make sure that you are utilizing these online resources that are out there for free. Take advantage of all that Instagram has to offer and make sure that you’re posting consistently in order to grow. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to other businesses with questions. It can be a lot to take on all by yourself. The small business community works hard to uplight one another.

Q: So, why mushrooms?

A: I was thrifting one day and found this cute little mushroom figurine and ended up bringing It is home to paint different pastel colors. I showed some of my friends and they were like, “I want this but as earrings!” I also took inspiration from these vintage mushroom lamps that I have been looking around. “I love making the products but just as much I love creating the content for Instagram and all the graphic design too.”

Q: Do you make all of the mushrooms by hand?

A: I do, yes. I sculpt all of them from porcelain clay and then I paint and glaze them. Sometimes I’ll pair them with pearls which are all ethically sourced. I don’t buy anything new, I get it all from second-hand sources.

If you are also having any ideas to start your own small business or want to share your views with us, you can call us at +1 902 620 9098 directly mail  to  enquiry@letsnurture.ca 

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