How to Find the Right Local SEO Consultant for Your Canadian Small Business

11 Nov. 20
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Whether you’re new to starting up a business, or you’ve been on the market for years, your business’ online presence can spell the rise, or fall, of your entire company. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an integral part of any business, as it is what drives traffic to your website, and subsequently, to you. For small businesses, having a local SEO consultant is critical as they will bring in the internet traffic that is the lifeblood of your company. Without the SEO they provide, you would have to rely on word-of-mouth, which is becoming less reliable as we venture further into the technological age.

What to Look For From the Best SEO Company in Canada?

When scouring the internet for the best local SEO services, it is important to assess a company on both its services and its merits. You do not want to just go on word-of-mouth, reputation, or their affordability alone, as doing this can become an issue if they make unrealistic promises, have an unclear pricing scheme, or cannot explain the actions they take when improving your digital presence. Instead, here is what you need to look for in addition to the above.

  • What Keywords Do They Rank For? It’s very easy to simply plop any keyword you want to rank for into your website’s URL and build a basis around that. It’s another to be able to rank a website for a particular keyword with a web address or URL that doesn’t utilize the keyword in its domain name. If you can find a local SEO consultant that can do the latter, then you’ve found an excellent hire.
  • Who Are Their Clients? This is a tell-tale sign of how well their services are in demand and what level of expertise they have. If they have top-tier clients that have left glowing reviews, you may want to consider contacting them.
  • Do They Provide Website Design? If a company also offers website design, it shows that they understand the fundamentals and building blocks leading up to SEO. Knowing a website’s backend and the behind-the-scenes workings of a website allows an internet marketing agency to optimize a website from the inside out. After all, there is a big difference between inserting a few keywords into a website’s pages and optimizing the entire website to draw in traffic.
  • How Is Their Customer Service? Are they quick to respond to your queries and take their time in understanding your business goals and needs? Do they provide quick turnaround times on services and have a live chat service available? You want to choose a company that has stellar customer service that is not only knowledgeable but cares about helping your small business succeed.
  • What Is Their Range of Services?While having basic search engine optimization is critical in helping your small business get crawled by search engines, many businesses need more than the basics. This is where expert search engine consultants are going to shine, as they can help you become more accessible in other areas that go beyond basic optimization. For instance, they will have services that help you expand your exposure via your social media platforms or help you optimize your videos and image content.
  • Do They Provide Advertising & Marketing Services Too? While search engine optimization is the first thing you should look at as a small business, you will also need a marketing strategy and advertising campaign to attract customers to you. When looking at hiring a local SEO consultant, see if their business provides advertising and marketing services too. There are plenty of SEO companies out there that also work under the umbrella term of an internet marketing agency, which provides you with the best of both worlds.
  • Can They Show What They Promise to Deliver? Reputation is incredibly important as it is what makes or breaks businesses online. You will want to take a look at what awards they have received, how much recognition they have from top-tier clients, and what their review spectrum looks like. Don’t just look at the 5-star reviews but also the 1-star reviews and see what people are saying. Beyond this, make sure that they can back up what they promise to deliver, whether this is with a portfolio or with SEO audits.

1 of the Best Search Engine Consultants for Small Businesses in Canada

Now that we’ve explained what to look for when assessing companies and their local SEO services, let’s do a brief run-through of one of the best search engine consultants in the Vancouver area.

The company Let’s Nurture is Moncton, New Brunswick based, has been around long before Google, and has been providing specialized organic search engine optimization services since 2006 to both Canadian and United States businesses. Beyond just offering organic growth, they also provide expert web design services and highly effective pay per click advertising options for every kind of budget. What does this mean for those looking to hire them?

  • Customized website design services are not only mobile-friendly but because the company provides SEO services, they build search engine optimization right into the design of your site.
  • Pay per click advertising to help you with marketing your business. This is offered for both Google & Bing and they can help set you up with ad retargeting strategies to make sure that you are capturing your target market.
  • Customized, organic SEO services including on-page search engine optimization, local SEO services, social media SEO, and technical audits.

What does all this mean? It means that they can outperform other SEO companies, attract highly qualified traffic, pinpoint your website’s ranking issues, and help you generate more leads and sales.

Can they back up their claims? Yes. If you take a look at their SEO case studies, you’ll see their success in growing monthly searches, helping companies secure thousand dollar projects, boosting review ratings, increasing Google PageSpeed score, and increasing traffic to boost booking capacity.

Wrapping It Up

It is important to take your time in choosing an SEO firm that will help you grow your small Canadian business. Ask for a consultation and a sit-down discussion to discuss their services and your business goals. Even take the opportunity to get an SEO audit done on your business’ website to see if the company can back up what they say they can do. You want to choose a local SEO consultant that has the right services, a fantastic reputation, and the right pricing for the range of services offered.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Local SEO help the Canadian Small Business and if you want to boost up your business using various strategies of Local SEO from the Best SEO Company in Canada, please contact us at

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